Established business: Individuals who own a hardware store or related establishments.
Minimum order requirements: Resellers should be capable of placing orders for a minimum of 3 skids at once.
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Thorough quality control before shipment
increase visibility - boost sales
Experts at your speed dial
Enjoy a high return on investment
Renowned as the best resin on the market, Squidpoxy is a staple for artisans and DIY enthusiasts, delivering crystal-clear results, exceptional durability, and an aesthetically pleasing finish Interested in becoming a distributor of our top-tier products?
Food Safe
Superior Formula
What are the requirements to become a distributor?
Established business: Individuals who own a hardware store or related establishments.
Minimum order requirements: Resellers should be capable of placing orders for a minimum of 3 skids at once.
How can I contact you directly?
Feel free to email us at or give us a call at 450-629-1717/1-844-829-1717
I have more questions about the product.
Feel free to email us at and we will answer any questions you may have!
Can I private label this product?
If you’re interested in private labeling this product under your own brand, we’re here to help! Please reach out to us at We look forward to collaborating with you.