Epoxy Chemtec
CHEM 1000 LV
CHEM1000 LV is a two component (1A: 1B) polyaspartic coating system at 75% solids. The product is dry to the touch after approximately 80 minutes at room temperature allowing application in a single working day as well as very quick commissioning. When the outside and floor temperature is particularly cold, excellent results will be obtained with the CHEM1000 LV. The product has superior chemical and mechanical properties and is very easy to maintain. The product provides an impeccable aesthetic finish and unprecedented long-term resistance to UV rays. We recommend the use of CHEMTEC flakes with CHEMTEC Coatings products. Two or three layer systems can be considered.
Part A | Part B | |
2 Gallon Kit | 1 Gallon | 1 Gallon |
10 Gallon Kit | 5 Gallon | 5 Gallon |
Larger units available upon request | ||
Mix Ratio by volume | 1A:1B | |
Contenu de solides: | 75% | |
Pot Life | 5 minutes | |
Shelf-life | 6 months in original unopened factory sealed containers. Keep away from extreme cold, heat or moisture. Keep out of direct sunlight and away from fire hazards |